In recent years, the Art Center has made many photography additions to its permanent collections. This exhibition is the first in a series to present them to our audiences.

In recent years, the Art Center has worked to improve its collection of photography, particularly that of the early to mid-20th century. This era was often ignored by art museums (including this one) but has now been embraced as not only an essential element of visual culture but a critical record of the world in decades past. Via gifts and targeted purchases, the Art Center now has hundreds of photographs in our collection, and we are eager to share them with our audience in a series of small thematic exhibitions over the next few years.

“Postcards” focuses on landscapes, travel documentation, and the scenic routes artists have taken with a camera in hand. Works in the exhibition date from photography’s 19th century beginnings to contemporary works.

“Postcards: Recent Photography Acquisitions to the Art Center’s Collection” is organized by Curator, Laura Burkhalter.