

24C4H101 Digital Art (9-11)

DIGITAL ART (9-11) Students will explore the wide world of digital art! In this class, students will learn how to translate their drawing and painting abilities to create artwork using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator among...

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24C5A101 Figure Drawing (12-14)

FIGURE DRAWING (12-14) Practice drawing shape and form to capture the mood and likeness of a person. Study body proportion and explore a variety of techniques to add color, value, and detail. 24C5A101 Saturdays /...

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24C3H102 Digital Drawing and Painting

DIGITAL DRAWING AND PAINTING (7-8) Students will explore the wide world of digital art! In this class, students will learn how to translate their drawing and painting abilities to create artwork using Adobe Photoshop and...

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24C4N103 Filmmaking & Playwriting

FILMMAKING AND PLAYWRITING (9-11) Bring your stories to life using movies and plays as your chosen medium! Learn the art of stop-motion animation filmmaking and how to write for characters by creating short theater pieces...

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24C4N104 Magical Creature Lab (9-11)

MAGICAL CREATURE LAB (9-11) Unicorns, mermaids, dragons and more! In this class, students will paint, draw, and sculpt fantastical and magic creatures of lore as well as creatures of their own invention. 24C4N104 Saturdays /...

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24C4N102 Chalk Pastels (9-11)

CHALK PASTELS (9-11) Chalk pastels can be a messy medium, but a really fun one! Not only do chalk pastels provide a vibrant palette of colors, but they also provide incredible opportunities for gesture, texture,...

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24C4M101 Colorful Painting (9-11)

COLORFUL PAINTING (9-11) This class is all about the world of color! In six weeks, students will learn the basics of color theory and color mixing! Students will make smaller and larger scale works and...

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24C4J101 Intro to Wheel Throwing (9-11)

INTRO TO WHEEL THROWING (9-11) Focusing on fundamentals, this class will teach students the basics of how to throw pottery. They’ll learn how to reach fundamental goals, troubleshoot issues, and create custom forms while throwing...

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24C4A102 Comic Books (9-11)

COMIC BOOKS (9-11) Learn how to make comic book illustrations in various styles! Take inspiration from comic books of the Silver Age, classic comic strips, and manga to create your own stories. Explore lettering techniques...

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24C4G101 Sculpture (9-11)

SCULPTURE (9-11) See the world in 3D and learn new methods of creating your own sculptures. In this class, you will make sculptures with a variety of media including clay, plaster, armature wire, and fabric....

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